
Would you like to sell our courses?

Of course you can! We have multiple people and companies selling our courses.
Write your awesome label here.

Let’s make progress together

Sell all our online courses directly to your clients, and we'll manage the rest.
Apply to become a reseller, get approved, request training, we'll invoice you, then you invoice your clients, and you're good to go! 

We'll invoice you at an discounted rate

Discounts from 20 - 50% off our normal pricing, and you can charge your clients any amount you would like.

Out team is here to assist you

We have a dedicated team to assist you and your clients through the entire process, from enrolment through to them getting their certification.

How it Works.

Become a Reseller

Complete our application form in the link, if successful, we will make contact with you to onboard you as a reseller.

Request quote for the course(s) your client needs

It won't cost anything to get a quote.

You get discounted pricing of 20% to 50%

Discounting is determined by the amount of learners that will be enrolling onto our courses.

Client gets access to their course(s)

They will receive an access code which they can use to access their courses, then we'll take over and assist them through to the end. In special occasions we even onboard them ourselves to make the process go even smoother.

Invoice paid

Once you have paid our invoice, we can move onto the last step, granting them access. After a trust relationship is built up, we are more than willing to look at payment terms to assist you further.

You invoice your client 

You can set your own course costs at any price level, however, we do recommend you still keep lower than our normal pricing to avoid your clients coming to us directly, as we really do not have any intention of stealing them. But none the less, we will always fix that situation should it happen by mistake.
Valuable information, clear explanations, engaging delivery, accurate course description.


The presentation was great, and easily understandable.


Online Workplace Safety Courses for all workplaces

Designed & built for everyone 

Video interactions, note-taking, course manuals, self-assessment, certificates, and much more.
#JOIN Our Reseller Team

You Have A  Window 
of  Opportunity